Perhe-Arte Helsinki

Our private maternity clinic offers ultrasound during pregnancy, follow-up counseling, childbirth coaching and additional support for different stages of pregnancy and always a warm reception in a comfortable environment.

Our midwives are professionals in their field, having accumulated their experience in professional work on the public side. As you live through one of the most significant stages of your life, we want to make our professional skills available to you without haste.

Come alone, with your spouse and / or friend. Ask any questions that come to mind, even those that feel weird. We are here just for you!

Our private maternity clinic serves you in Helsinki at Malminkaari 5, 00700 Helsinki.

Maternity Clinic Services

imetysklinikka artikkelikuva

Maternity Clinic Monitoring

You can contact the maternity clinic on all matters related to pregnancy.


Early Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound examination of early pregnancy shows, among other things, the duration of pregnancy and the due date.


Additional Ultrasound Examinations

Do you wish to assess your babys weight? Do you have any concerns about the progress of your pregnancy? You can come to us for an ultrasound for any reason.


Pregnancy 3D / 4D – Ultrasound Examination

3d/4d ultrasound exam gives you the first glimpse of the new family member.


Fear of Childbirth Discussion

During pregnancy every woman is nervous about the upcoming labour. You can receive support by discussing your fears with a trained professional.


Breastfeeding counseling

The purpose of breastfeeding counseling is to promote the well-being of the child, the mother and the whole family. We are here to help you get started.



Doula supports, educates and empowers families during pregnancy, birth and the post-partum period.


TENS – Equipment Rental

The TENS is a small device used during labour, completely adjustable by the wearer and designed to help with coping with labour pain.



NIPT can be used to detect the most common chromosomal abnormalities that cause developmental disorders in the fetus from a blood sample taken from the mother.


Fetal Screening and Medical Ultrasound

The doctors screening includes blood sampling, neck edema, and systematic ultrasound examination of the fetal organs.

imetysklinikka artikkelikuva


Perhe-Arten imetysklinikka on matalan kynnyksen palvelu, joka on suunniteltu ennaltaehkäisemään, tunnistamaan ja ratkaisemaan pieniä imetyksen haasteita.



Perhe-Arten äitiysneuvola tarjoaa laadukkaita ja yksilöllisiä neuvolapalveluita koko perheelle.


Postpartum discussion

Because childbirth modifies the mother’s self, femininity, and motherhood in such a significant way, we cannot stress enough the importance of postpartum visits.


Sexual Counseling

Sexual counseling deals with problems related to the client’s sexuality. The need, starting points and goals of counseling are determined by the client.


Prenatal Classes in Small Groups

Perhe-Arte’s popular individual coaching has now also been adapted to a small group format. The small group gices the opportunity to share thoughts with families in the same situation.


Individual Prenatal Classes

The goal of antenatal classes is to prepare and give you a sneak peek into your future childbirth.


Hyvinvoiva äiti -valmennus

Valmennuksen avulla valmistelet sekä kehoa että mieltä lempeästi synnytykseen ja synnytyksen jälkeen nopeutat palautumista raskauden ja synnytyksen aiheuttamista muutoksista.



Synnytystrauman oireet ovat yksilöllisiä. Yleisimpiä oireita ovat synnytyskokemuksen muistelun tuoma ahdistuneisuuden tunne, toistuvat painajaiset, kiintymyssuhdehaasteet lapseen, ylihuolehtivaisuus lapsesta,


Synnytyksen jälkeinen masennus

Synnytystrauman oireet ovat yksilöllisiä. Yleisimpiä oireita ovat synnytyskokemuksen muistelun tuoma ahdistuneisuuden tunne, toistuvat painajaiset, kiintymyssuhdehaasteet lapseen, ylihuolehtivaisuus lapsesta,


Raskauden aikaiset pelot

Raskauteen liittyy monia fyysisiä ja psyykkisiä muutoksia. Vaikka lapsi olisi kovin toivottu, voi raskaus, synnytys tai tuleva vanhemmuus tuottaa myös haastavia tunteita.